
Final fantasy xv limited edition soundtrack
Final fantasy xv limited edition soundtrack

We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause, and thank you for your understanding. Instead, uniform adjustments will be implemented, which will cause any EXP accumulated between levels to be reduced to zero for all players. However, since every character has over thirty-five pertinent data sets, the total number of sets to be analysed would exceed two billion (over ten billion bytes of data!), making case-by-case adjustment unfeasible. Ideally, each character’s current EXP levels would be individually assessed, adjusted, and overwritten to fit the new value scale. In the 67th Letter from the Producer LIVE held on Saturday, 6 November, we explained that EXP downscaling will involve overwriting the player character database.

final fantasy xv limited edition soundtrack final fantasy xv limited edition soundtrack

This downscaling will result in numerical values appearing smaller than before, but will not impact overall game balance. As previously announced, Patch 6.0 will be introducing measures to control the inflation of in-game values.

Final fantasy xv limited edition soundtrack