Comments: Currently in the middle of Episode Two (which is split between Gordon's and Alyx's journals ). Synopsis: A roleplaying journal for everyone's favourite ass-kicking theoretical physicist, associated with Milliways Bar, that doubles as a novelization (so to speak) of the games in the main storyline. Not the focus of the story by any sensible standard, but it's there you have been warned. Typical Moments in the Horrible Life of Gordon Freeman by Camwyn, with other characters played by leeshajoy (Alyx Vance), whoever's responsible for Barney, and a couple more people whose names I don't know. Comments: Very funny in it's own sense, especially the twist ending. Synopsis: When a typical raid by Civil Protection goes awry, this elite is thrown into a wild and crazy adventure.
Recommended by Pointblank 28, MC Ham Guy. The Raid: (An Elite's worst nightmare) by The Airman It's been 2 years since last update, and BA hasn't shown any sign of activity in this interval. Status: Can be officially considered a Dead Fic. My only complaint is that Katya is little more than a clone of Alyx, but this bit's outweighted by the good things. The misdeeds in Ravenholm are of particular notice as one of the fic's high points. Shephard's character reflects his experience at Black Mesa, and the group he's a part of is very interesting in their own right. Comments: Pretty damn well written for a fanfic, and keeps your interest throughout. Synopsis: Fills in the details between Half-Life and Half-Life 2, and follows Opposing Force protagonist Adrian Shephard as he returns to Earth from stasis. Recommended by Radioactive Zombie, Philistein, REV 6 Pilot. Half-Life Two: Shephard's Epic, by Blind Acquiescence. Evidently also inspired Between Minds, a dramatic written fanfic, listed below. Though they are admittedly following the leader, they're quite enjoyable in their own right. Tacitus: This has spawned similar machinima adding similar monologues to Blue Shifts Barney Calhoun and Opposing Forces Adrian Shephard, by IRAMightyPirate and KrimsinYT respectively. Though the wait for each new episode is notoriously long, Freeman's hilarious antics and somewhat threatening attitude towards his fellow employees are always things you can look forward to in every episode. Slightly a Let's Play, however there are several cheats enabled (invincibility and the ability to climb most noticeably) for storytelling purposes that move it far enough away to make the definition cursory at best. There's also a fair amount of Lampshade Hanging.
Freeman is portrayed as highly sarcastic, most of his jokes lying in Black Comedy territory, which is fitting for the atmosphere.
Synopsis: A machinima of the first Half-Life, basically playing the game with commentary in character as the usually Heroic Mime Freeman. Recommended by Doctor Worm, Rakuen, Unclouded_TJ, Tacitus. Freeman's Mind by Ross Scott, located here.